22. Scenario #2

L2 18 Version Control Git Commit Messages V1 V2

Scenario #2

Let's walk through the git commands that go along with each step in the scenario you just observed in the video above.

Step 1: You check your commit history, seeing messages of the changes you made and how well it performed.

View log history

git log

Step 2: The model at this commit seemed to score the highest, so you decide to take a look.

Checkout a commit

git checkout bc90f2cbc9dc4e802b46e7a153aa106dc9a88560

After inspecting your code, you realize what modifications made this perform well, and use those for your model.

Step 3: Now, you’re pretty confident merging this back into the development branch, and pushing the updated recommendation engine.

Switch to develop branch

git checkout develop

Merge friend_groups branch to develop

git merge --no-ff friend_groups

Push changes to remote repository

git push origin develop